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Alan Fletcher - Down With Dogma

This poster by Alan Fletcher initially seems to share a similar aesthetic to Baldessari's 'The Pencil Story' particularly in the manner that the hand-drawn type, and unevenly adhered image sit on top of the paper,  collaged next to each other, emphasising the found nature of the imagery used. 
 Like a lot of Fletcher's practice, this image exudes an idea of play and a slightly mischievous subversiveness in the reversal of such a ubiquitous sign that, within an everyday context, normally carries such an unquestionable authority that it is almost dogmatic. Fletcher's approach tends to use the addition of text to found imagery to question received notions about signage and imagery, often so commonplace as to go unnoticed.    

(Image from: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3619/3452683248_f324c29eee.jpg)