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How Has Image And Text Informed My Practice?

 These images are from a small publication I recently made that went on sale at 'Everything' at the ICA, on the 11th of December.

 Whilst making it, it occurred to me that a lot of the book had been influenced by what I've learnt during the Image and Text elective. 

 The book is a written narrative accompanying still shots from a film that I made around the perimeter of an unfinished palace near the Town that I grew up in. 

 The choice of using still shots was very much influenced by ideas of how we connect images with text depending on their proximity to each other. I also wanted to play with ideas of suggestion, particularly how text can influence our reading of an image, in this instance, much of the narrative is deliberately fictional, exploring ideas of the imagination.

 I feel that, particularly recently, the conceptual and critical knowledge that Image and Text has given me has begun to lend my work a rigorousness and strength that before it was lacking.